this is your place for embodied

Soul  Liberation

You are invited on the journey from Soul Loss to Soul Liberation

Welcome to this island that is my work!

I’m here to support the humans in my circles as they recover from the damage that social systems of oppressions and religious traumas have done to their body/Soul/Psyche.

I believe that most of us carry layers of trauma frozen in the fascia of the body & that many of us live in chronic suffering (existential anxiety and depression) because of that; I also believe this is what prevents us from living our True Nature (Soul) and its evolutionary purpose here on Earth.

The power of our True Nature is the power we need to change those systems of oppression and to build The New Earth.

The work we do inside this island can also be seen as freeing the Animal of our Nature (The Soul) trapped under those actual layers of fear and social conditioning.

I’m Mariela (to pronounce it, some people find it useful to replace the ‘R’ with a ‘D’). Professionally, I go by Rogue Reverent, and I’m both, deeply spiritual and deeply creative, with an MFA (Masters of Fine Arts) and an MDiv (Masters of Divinity.)

Island Spirituality

Around here we do the work of Soul Liberation in an embodied & multi-sensory way, a form of spirituality that I call “Island Spirituality,” which honors and celebrates the spirituality of the islands, particularly the Caribbean islands, which gave shape to my nature and the nature of my ancestors for hundreds of years.

This is the medicine I found during my journey.
This is the medicine I bring to the world.
This is the medicine that healed my body/Soul/Psyche.

And you have your own!
This work helps you to reclaim it.

The process we follow is spiritual in nature.
I’m not a therapist and do not work with individuals with complex trauma,
but I create containers (virtually and in-person) where:

  1. invite people to move because the more we move our bodies, the more that fascia is going to be released and the faster we will free our Soul.

  2. I firmly encourage my people to change their breathing patterns, because shallow breathing is keeping us in Fight/Fly/Freeze so, I insist (and persist) on proper breathing, and then I support that transition from shallow breathing (survival breath) to deep breathing (mammal breathing) with subconscious reprogramming and other tools.

  3. I also teach people about Patterns, since everything in the universe happens in a pattern. To let go of old patterns, we now have to create new ones, and that’s not easy, but by CREATING CONSCIOUS CONTAINERS we have more chances of doing that.

People who work with me are commitment to becoming Conscious Creators of Containers
for the Reality-Creation process.

This is what changes their lives.
They become the authority inside the island 🏝️ of their lives.

They become A Free Sovereign Being with the power to Create & to Change.

My invitation is this:

Become a Conscious Creator of Containers for healing your humanity and building The New Earth.

Unless we create conscious containers of time/energy/space, it’s hard to do this work of healing and liberation.

The Return to our Nature

On this journey we learn to support and nourish our bodies and to rescue our Souls in order to build The New Earth

My work is at the intersection of Spirituality, The Nervous System, and Reality-Creation.

I create exquisite digital containers for nervous system support, embodied spirituality, subconscious reprogramming, and conscious reality-creation.

Some people would call me a “Dreamer” and a “Visionary,” and while dreaming as a child is beautiful, as a healthy empowered adult, having DREAMS and VISIONS give us DIRECTION and PURPOSE in life.

My dreams are of you living your True Nature, of you living in FLOW.

I’m here to invite you on a journey toward your Evolutionary Flow, your evolutionary purpose, your hero’s journey (the ancient rite of passage that all humans must pass through to become healthy mature adults that contribute to society & their eco-systems with their original medicine.)

Consider this your call to adventure!

The work I invite you into is the modern version of the hero’s journey, with ancient & modern tools, rituals, and strategies from:

  • Narrative Psychology

  • Evolutionary Philosophy

  • Somatic/ Embodiment /Nervous System perspectives

  • Subconscious Reprogramming

  • Human Design

  • The Gene Keys

  • & other tools to support your transformation 🦋

During my 50 years on Earth I have traveled high and wide searching for the tools, practices, and philosophies to support my mission of alleviating human suffering.

In 2020 I received my Master of Divinity, and now I work as an evolutionary spiritual teacher, speaker, and coach.

Learn to breathe deeply into your belly and begin the journey toward healing and liberation.

Learning to breathe is ‘Step 1’ on the journey.

this is the story of how

you can uplift Your Inner Parts

This is the story of how you can become the Hero of your own story by supporting your inner parts…

with warmth, compassion, self-attunement, & play.

A Liberating Embodied Philosophy

I bring a liberating philosophy to people who, like me, are spiritual but not religious; to people who, like me, have left the old religious systems behind but still want access to divine love, to Spirit, and to their own inner guiding system (Intuition.)

Rev Mariela Perez-Simons, M.Div, MFA
(Rogue Reverent)

Photo Credit: Ryan Fitts